公益社団法人認知症の人と家族の会副代表 山添洋子さんに家族の会の変遷、認知症の方の現在の問題点について、お話しいただきました。
3月9日makicomix kyoto 水曜日 鈴木諭子
Care Kesera-sera Corner
Ms. Yoko Yamazoe, Vice President of Dementia and Family Association of Japan, talked about the transition of the family association and current issues of people with dementia.
March 15-20
Photo exhibition of Atsushi Shimosaka, who has juvenile dementia, at the Kyoto Kyocera Museum of Art
☆ March 11 Kyoto City Shakeout Drill
TAG Teramachi Sanjo Store
Disaster prevention goods
Today is the day of Sun3Q9. It is wonderful to be able to say "Thank you" honestly, isn't it?
Re-broadcast from 3:00 p.m.!
March 9, makicomix kyoto Wednesday, March 9, Suzuki Satoko
Ms. Yoko Yamazoe, Vice President of Dementia and Family Association of Japan, talked about the transition of the family association and current issues of people with dementia.
March 15-20
Photo exhibition of Atsushi Shimosaka, who has juvenile dementia, at the Kyoto Kyocera Museum of Art
☆ March 11 Kyoto City Shakeout Drill
TAG Teramachi Sanjo Store
Disaster prevention goods
Today is the day of Sun3Q9. It is wonderful to be able to say "Thank you" honestly, isn't it?
Re-broadcast from 3:00 p.m.!
March 9, makicomix kyoto Wednesday, March 9, Suzuki Satoko