歌人 岡野大嗣さんからリスナーさんへのプレゼントは、なんと岡野さんの今までの著作5作品と、オリジナルカレンダー!各1名ずつ、計10名様に。岡野さんのサイン入りです。ご希望の方は、公式WEBサイトのお問合せフォームから、または、FM87.0 RADIO MIX KYOTO公式アカウントをフォローしプレゼント用ツイートを引用リツイートしてください。当選の方にはこちらからご連絡いたします。
・京都市京セラ美術館(京都市美術館) Art Cafe Time:現代美術家 川人綾さん
現在開催中、京都市京セラ美術館 ザ・トライアングル「川人綾 斜めの領域」のアーティスト川人綾さんをゲストに迎えて、作品のことやご自身のことを伺いました。3月末ごろまでは、ザ・トライアングルで川人さんの制作の様子をご覧になることもできそうです♪
・大垣書店「ハッピーOH!」:大垣書店 大崎智子さん
コーナーゲスト:歌人 岡野大嗣さん
makicomi x kyoto月曜 担当:さがねっち
The present from the poet, Mr. Okano Daishi to the listeners is five of his works and an original calendar! Each of them will be given to one person, for a total of 10 people. Each calendar will be signed by Okano-san. If you would like to win, please fill out the inquiry form on the official website, or follow the FM87.0 RADIO MIX KYOTO official account and quote and retweet the tweet for the present. Winners will be contacted from here.
Don't forget to tell us which of Okano's family calendars you would like to win!
・Kyocera Museum of Art, Kyoto Art Cafe Time: Contemporary Artist Aya Kawato
We invited Aya Kawajin, the artist of the current exhibition "Aya Kawajin: Diagonal Realm" at The Triangle, Kyoto Kyocera Museum of Art, to talk about her work and herself. You can see her work at The Triangle until the end of March.
If you're interested in becoming an assistant, check out Kawato's Instagram!
Ogaki Shoten "Happy OH!": Ms. Tomoko Osaki, Ogaki Shoten
Corner Guest: Poet Mr. Daishi Okano
This time, Mr. Okano introduced his poetry collection "Ongaku", the second printing of which has just been published. I still wanted to hear more fascinating stories.
She also prepared many presents for listeners! We hope you'll enter!
Next week: Daisuke Mitsumoto's "I'm doing this and that besides roofing". Enjoy it!
2022.02.21(Mon) OA
makicomi x kyotoMonday Duty: Saganecchi
Don't forget to tell us which of Okano's family calendars you would like to win!
・Kyocera Museum of Art, Kyoto Art Cafe Time: Contemporary Artist Aya Kawato
We invited Aya Kawajin, the artist of the current exhibition "Aya Kawajin: Diagonal Realm" at The Triangle, Kyoto Kyocera Museum of Art, to talk about her work and herself. You can see her work at The Triangle until the end of March.
If you're interested in becoming an assistant, check out Kawato's Instagram!
Ogaki Shoten "Happy OH!": Ms. Tomoko Osaki, Ogaki Shoten
Corner Guest: Poet Mr. Daishi Okano
This time, Mr. Okano introduced his poetry collection "Ongaku", the second printing of which has just been published. I still wanted to hear more fascinating stories.
She also prepared many presents for listeners! We hope you'll enter!
Next week: Daisuke Mitsumoto's "I'm doing this and that besides roofing". Enjoy it!
2022.02.21(Mon) OA
makicomi x kyotoMonday Duty: Saganecchi